Yvonne & Andreas – Vitznauerhof – Sept 29 2012

The last wedding of the year was with Yvonne and Andreas. It took place 29th of September 2012. We started in the lovely hotel Vitznauerhof. I didn’t meet Yvonne and Andreas before the wedding due to logistics but it was no problem at all. There was one “surprise” when I arrived – Andreas is really tall and Yvonne is rather short. I tthink there is a difference of 40cm or so. That was an interesting challenge. I had a space where I wanted to take photos of Andreas but when I took him there he was simply too tall for the area – so we had to find another area but it worked out find in the end.It really helped that both were very relaxed and super happy. It was great to be with them.

After the preparation we took a taxi boat to Kehrsiten where the ceremony took place. The apero was at Baumgarten – it was raining outside so we had to be indoors. For the family shoot we did go outside in the rain – luckily it almost stopped at that time. We then grabbed some wedding portraits around the area before stepping onto the boat which cruised around Lake Luzern for an hour or so. The party then took place in the lovely hotel Vitznauerhof.

A special thanks go to Walter who assissted me on the day.

Here are the wedding photos. Enjoy!







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